Many dog owners experience that their dogs make night noises, whines and howls for no apparent reason. It can be difficult to differentiate what dogs want: Are they unhappy? Afraid of being sick alone? I will help you get to the root cause. But the biggest question you might have is how to stop your dog from crying at night. Fortunately, there are easy ways to correct this behavior and help dogs sleep better. Below, I’ll share some tips that have worked for me and many others.
Why Do Dogs Whine at Night?
By understanding what our dogs are asking for when they cry, we can meet their needs and help them (and us) sleep more soundly. There are many possible reasons for this behavior, but some common reasons are listed below.
1. Medical problems
Is your dog in pain or sick? If so, he may be expressing his discomfort and seeking your attention.
Take your dog to the vet for a thorough examination to rule out any medical concerns.
If your doctor needs to correct anything, please follow his advice and treatment plan.
2. Boredom or Excess Energy
Is your dog getting enough mental stimulation and physical exercise throughout the day? If not, he may become restless and frustrated at night and demand more activity or release his exhausted energy.
It will help your dog burn energy and calm his mind by providing more exercise and cognitive engagement.
Depending on your dog’s breed, age, and temperament, he may need 30 minutes to 2 hours of exercise daily.
Go for a walk, run, groom, play tug of war, or participate in games your dog loves.
Provide interactive toys, puzzles, or chew toys that keep your pet entertained. A sniff mat is a great idea because you can hide treats in the fleece strips, and your pup can enjoy smelling them, keeping them from feeling lonely or bored.
3. Confusion or Anxiety
Does your dog have a routine or does he know what to expect from you? If not, he may feel insecure or anxious to ask for your reassurance or guidance.
Establish a daily routine for your dog, including regular feeding times, potty breaks, playtime, training sessions, and bedtime.
Stick to the routine as much as possible and avoid sudden changes that might confuse or stress your dog.
Your dog will benefit from routine because it will increase his sense of calm and self-confidence in his surroundings. Feeling safe reduces anxiety and the need to whisper or scream throughout the night.
4. Discomfort
Is your dog comfortable in his sleeping area? Does it match his preferences and needs? If not, he may feel too hot or too cold, and cry to express his dissatisfaction.
Create a comfortable place for your dog to sleep and be happy. The sleeping place can be a crate, bed, or a comfortable blanket.
Make sure it is clean, comfortable, soft, and roomy enough for him to move around comfortably.
Add things that make him feel more comfortable and secure in his bed, such as a piece of your clothing that smells like you or his favorite toys.
If you provide a pleasant environment, your dog will feel more comfortable and content in his space. A relaxed dog is usually calm and asleep!
5. Dependence or Separation Anxiety
Does your dog hate being away from you or being alone in general? If so, he may be feeling separation anxiety and want your attention or ask for your company at night.
Teach your dog to be independent and confident. You can do this by gradually increasing the distance and time you leave him alone in his sleeping area.
Reward him for being calm and quiet in his sleeping area. Please give him a treat, praise, or pat him when he sits and stops crying.
Ignore him when he cries; Just focus on being calm. Doing this will teach him that crying does not get him what he wants, but calm behavior does get him what he wants.
Play calm, relaxing music. The best music for separation anxiety is classical or reggae music. Studies show that these species have soothing sounds that relax dogs and help them sleep. A little background music can also drown out scary sounds that might make your dog nervous.
These steps help dogs become less needy and more self-confident. By teaching your dog to be confident and independent, you will help him overcome loneliness and reduce his separation anxiety.
6. Learned behavior
Did you teach your dog that whining is working to get what he wants from you? If so, he may continue to repeat the behavior, hoping that you will do the same.
Avoid reinforcing your dog’s bad habits. Please do not retaliate or retaliate for her rants.
Instead, ignore him completely or give him a “no” or “quiet” command. Give him attention or affection only when he is calm and calm.
By eliminating bad habits, you will help stop the nighttime crying behavior and teach your dog how to sleep peacefully with a retrained mind.